IRLED - TLN110 infrared LED (Jameco No. 106425 or equiv.)
Note - The following items are available from:
LNS Technologies, 20993 Foothill Blvd, Suite 307R, Hayward CA 94541-1511
Phone: 1-(800)-886-7150
Complete kit of parts for the Levitator (LEV-KIT), including etched and drilled
num bracket, enclosure, metal globe and all other components listed above: $75.00
Etched and drilled printed-circuit board (LEV-PCB), $10
Electromagnet coil (LEV-COIL), $10
Drilled aluminum bracket (LEV-BKT), $5
Please add $5.00 shipping and handling charges to all orders. California residents add local
sales tax. MC/VISA orders accepted. No C.O.D. orders.