Rover Location Database

Grid Square CO70

2 locations - South Campbell River - Kelsey Bay Log Sort

Potential VHF rover sites in BC grid CO70. Be careful.
CO70 dimensions are 87.9 by 69.2 miles.
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South Campbell River, CO70ja22

Latitude, Longitude
50.011233, -125.233184
Map Location Near city of Campbell River, County, BC, Altitude 10
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2003-10-05
Comments by: Mike K7MDL

South Campbell River waterfront is beach location near the grid line with a good view to Puget Sound.

There is a sign along the coast highway spur (19A) through town that marks the 50 degree parallel. Strathcona Gardens is a nearby map landmark. Discovery Pier is another nearby landmark on the maps.

There are several good stops at the waters edge just to the north (CO70) and south (CN79) with a very good view SE to Puget Sound. On the North side of the line in CO70 is a boat launch and restaurant with open gravel parking lot adjacent to the beach. K7MDL operated from this location in the 2003 September VHF contest.

Kelsey Bay Log Sort, CO70aj44

Latitude, Longitude
50.394493, -125.960034
Map Location Near city of Kelsey Bay, County, BC, Altitude 10
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2003-10-05
Comments by: Mike K7MDL

Kelsey Bay Log Sort offers some gravel parking lots at waters edge. No contacts made on my trip but historically this has been a decent location. In 2003, one ham with VHF SSB/CW (VE7BZY) lives in Sayward in CO70. Hills block SE path but contacts have been made here. Easy access not far from Sayward.

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