Rover Location Database

Second Place VHF Rover in PNW

May 17 2012

Second Place VHF Rover in PNW

The 2012 January VHF Contest results were just announced... the team of WA7KVC and WE7X finished second by a hairs-breadth to WW7D in the Pacific Northwest standings. Cool! Complete details on the Pacific Northwest VHF Society pages ( are reproduced below.

Contest Reports |


Revised 2012-05-22



ARRL Section






Rover Grids Activated

PNW Grids Activated

PNW Grids Worked


K5QE* 814968 STX Multi-Unlimited ABCDEFGH 1348 2376 343 3 see below




Single-Op High







K7CW 5396 WWA Single-Op High AB 142 142 38 CN87 20 K7CW
KD7UO 4521 WWA Single-Op Low ABDF 114 137 33 CN87 16 KD7UO
KE0CO 3250 WWA Single-Op Low ABD 102 130 25 CN87 11 KE0CO
WW7D/R 2768 WWA Rover-Limited ABCD 147 173 16 4 see below 5 WW7D
WA7KVC/R 2398 WWA Rover-Limited ABD 103 109 22 6 see below 9 see below
K7ND 2184 WWA Single-Op High ABCDEFGH 41 104 21 CN87 4 K7ND
KI7JA 2136 OR Single-Op Low ABD 78 89 24 CN85 5 KI7JA
N7DB 1452 OR Single-Op Low ABCD 59 66 22 CN85 7 N7DB
K7AWB 1408 EWA Single-Op High ABCD 60 64 22 DN17 6 K7AWB
K7YDL 1248 OR Single-Op Low ABCDF 68 96 13 CN85 6 K7YDL
K7HSJ 882 OR Single-Op Low ABCDEF 36 49 18 CN94 4 K7HSJ
KL7YK/R* 580 AK Rover ABCDE 40 58 10 2 KL7YK
VE7DAY 480 BC Single-Op Low ABCD 27 32 15 CO70 7 VE7DAY
K7HPT 130 EWA Single-Op Low ABCD 19 26 5 DN17 2 K7HPT

* = PNWVHFS Member operating outside the Society region. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
¿=Not a member of PNWVHFS. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
£=Log received after deadline. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.

Band Codes: A - 50 MHz, B - 144 MHz, C - 222 MHz, D - 432 MHz, E - 902 MHz, F - 1.2 GHz, G - 2.3 GHz, H - 3.4 GHz, I - 5.7 GHz


Certificates at the PNWVHFS Conference in October 2013

Rover-Limited - NW Division: WW7D/R
Single-Op High Power: K7AWB - EWA, KI7JA - OR, N7EPD - WWA
Single-Op Low Power: VE7DAY - BC, K7YDL - OR, KD7UO - WWA


WW7D Rover-Limited: Grids activated CN87 CN88 CN97 CN98
Tough contest for a rover because of the uncharacteristic heavy snow during the week before for Western Washington. Only managed to get stuck once--took an hour to dig out (in between QSOs, of course).

WA7KVC Rover-Limited: Operators WA7KVC and WE7X, Grids activated CN76 CN77 CN78 CN87 CN88 CN97
Rod WE7X and Barry WA7KVC went roving around Olympic Peninsula coastline on January 21-22 during this ARRL January 2012 VHF Contest. Our goal was to activate the remote lowland coastal grids in the state during the VHF contest. This is the dead of winter so other possible destinations that involved "hilltopping" or the rugged Pacific Northwest mountainous inland grids was still digging out from snowfall, ice storms, downed trees, mudslides, widespread power outages and closures. To set the stage, you should realize that Rod's home had been without power for two days before the contest, and their neighborhood was still dark when we returned. Barry's home had power restored just before we left. Our plan to target the "warmer" ocean coast was mostly successful - at least it didn't rain all the time during our trip. Sometimes it snowed for awhile instead. I love the banter when calling from the CN78 coastline: "CQ CQ, CQ Sekiu, CQ from Sekiu, CQ to Sekiu, and CQ everywhere else". All hams should have a chance to visit a place that can generate so much mind-boggling confusion. During the 650-mile drive, our constant companions were rain, cold, wind, squalls, snow and fog. But it was fabulously scenic. Photos and route and more exciting highlights are at Barry WA7KVC (with a big thanks to Rod WE7X for all his great help!)

KL7YK Rover: Grids activated BP41 BP51
May not be one of the big guns even up here in Alaska but I get out and try to provide contacts for the other players up here. No grand 6m openings, only a little thermocline ducting on VHF. Was cold, day started at -11 degrees F but warmed up to 5 above. Did plant a 6m loop in the snow berm for that band since I was rover. It worked rather well for local contacts, was 6 feet above the snow.

KD7UO: This was more like Field Day conditions! Big ice storm meant no A/C mains, ran the first half of the 'test on a genset. But made the best of it and as always, a lot of fun!

KI7JA: Having blown my 80 amp pwr supply, I could not run my SSPA's. So, only low power this time. An opening to AZ and NM on 6M made this contest fun.

VE7DAY: I enjoyed the contest even though I didn't make many contacts.

K5QE Multi-Unlimited: Grid EM31 Operators K5QE, K5MQ, KN5O, W6XD, N5NU, K5AIH, WN2E, N5YA, K5YG, N5KDA
We made a serious effort to maximize our Q count and grid counts for this contest. Saturday started out with a great 6M opening. For us, this is unheard of!! Jason-N5NU had an hour with over 200 QSO's made on 6M. This was really exceptional in January. Sunday saw spotty 6M propagation with some DX. We made good use of meteor scatter on 6M and 2M during the late night hours. We installed 5.7G and 10G for this contest, but it did not work at all. Murphy must have been sitting on the little dish. Otherwise, no station problems. 2M EME contacts were down this time to about half of normal and 432 was a total loss. However, we made a new record score for K5QE in the January contest, so we have to be happy with the results.

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