Rover Location Database

June 2020 Northern Grids Expedition

I will activate three grids in June 2020 along the northern border: EN48 Minnesota, EN56 Wisconsin and EN67 Michigan. On my return trip home to Seattle, I'll stop in rare grids as needed to put them on the air. I want to hear from anyone who needs these grids. Don't be shy!

June 10-20

Dates in Rare Grids

Travelling westbound:

  • June 10,11,12 - EN67 Upper Peninsula, MI
  • June 13,14,15 - EN56 near Mass City, Wisconsin
  • June 16,17,18 - EN48 near Ely, Minnesota
  • June 19,20 - EN28 near Baudette, MN
  • June 21-25 - work in motion on my way to Seattle

June 2020

Planned Route

My trip has three parts:

  1. Eastbound from SeattleEN67 Work FT8 in motion with 100w and horizontal loop.
  2. Operate EN67, EN56, EN48, EN28: Stop and linger with a kilowatt and 6m5.
  3. Return west SeattleEN48: Work FT8 in motion and stop in requested grids.

Here's a rough map of driving along Hwy 2 from Seattle to Minnesota.

Get in touch:

Any DN or EN grid ending in 7 or 8 is fair game.

June 2020

Rare Northern Grids

For "who wants what," the 2020 definitive guide is: FFMA Leader Board v6.50.xlsx by Bill ND0B.

Here are the Top Twenty rare grids along my route. Click a column heading to sort:

Grid needed by % State
DN68 35.5% Montana
EN28 33.9% Minnesota
DN58 29.0% Montana
DN67 29.0% Montana
DN77 29.0% Montana
EN67 29.0% Michigan
DN78 27.4% Montana
EN38 25.8% Minnesota
EN48 22.6% Minnesota
DN07 21.0% Washington
DN87 21.0% North Dakota
DN37 19.4% Montana
DN38 19.4% Montana
DN48 17.7% Montana
EN57 17.7% Wisconsin
DN08 16.1% Washington
DN57 14.5% Montana
DN88 14.5% North Dakota
EN47 14.5% Minnesota
EN56 14.5% Wisconsin

Yellow grids are my primary targets. I'll focus my energy on these three and the most requested grids.

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