Rover Location Database

DN08 Okanogan June 16-17, 2020

I will activate rare grid DN08 in northern Washington State in the week after the June VHF Contest.

K7BWH is lighting up DN08 with a decent station while camping in the Okanogan back country, 6 meters only.

  • 8am-8pm Pacific (1500z) Tuesday 6/16
  • 8am-8pm Pacific (0300z) Wednesday 6/17
  • Meteor scatter 8-10 am Pacific, mostly FT8 the rest of the day, and SSB/CW for big openings
  • WSJT v2.2.1 and "NA VHF contest" mode ON to save a sequence
  • Track me on
  • Coordinate on if there's internet
  • Or text me 425-503-5548 (include your name, call, grid because I can't look you up in the boonies)

My portable station is 500+ watts, 6m5 antenna and 4kw generator.

Since the Colville Indian Reservation is closed due to coronavirus, I'll scout a new place to operate. This is a 'lone wolf' trip with no human contact:

  1. Seattle on Hwy 2 to Wenatchee (avoid North Cascade Pass and its rock slide)
  2. Hwy 94 through Brewster
  3. Buck Mtn DN08ck near Twisp
  4. Loup Loup DN08aj above ski bowl near Twisp
  5. South Ridge DN08bj near Twisp
  6. Starvation Mtn DN08am former radar site 12 miles NE of Twisp
  7. Tunk Mtn DN08jn
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