Rover Location Database

K7BWH: EN02, June 2018

Barry K7BWH and Rod WE7X will activated rare grid square DN08 in the June 2018 VHF Contest. This page reviews our planning and results.

We spent the June 9-10 in DN08 (northeast Washington state) during the contest, and then I traveled aloneeastward starting Monday, June 11. We'll find mountaintops through southern Idaho with stops in DN22-23, DN32-33, and DN42-43. Then I'll continue solo through about 35 grid squares to FM15 on the North Carolina coast.

If all goes as planned then I'll knock on Craig K9CT's door and collect my pizza. :-)

This is a cross-country expedition in three parts:

  1. DN08 Expedition, ARRL VHF Contest, June 9-10 (link)
  2. Southern Idaho, DN22-23, DN32-33, and DN42-43, June 12-14 (link)
  3. Coast-to-coast grid trip, Idaho to North Carolina (link)

EN02 = Northern Nebraska

Bands: 6m only
Mode: If the band is open, I'm on SSB for efficient contacts.
Otherwise, CW and FT8 as appropriate.
Sequence: I'm always first sequence for digital modes in all directions.
FT8 version: WSJT Version 1.9.0 released 5-28-2018.
Please be sure you have the latest WSJTX software, too.
I will not use DXpedition mode.
Settings: WSJT setup for VHF contests:
  • File > Settings > General: Enable VHF/UHF/Microwave features.
  • Enable NA VHF Contest. This lets you receive my grid square.
  • Enable Auto Seq.
  • Disable Tx even/1st. I'm always first sequence in all directions.
  • Disable DXpedition Mode.
  • This enables the proper grid exchange for ARRL contests. It works on both FT8 and MSK144 modes.
Time: 7 am - 7 pm Pacific.
I'm camping in primitive areas and I sleep when it's dark.
Schedule: 7 - 8 am, MSK144 on 50.240
8 - 9 am, FT8 on 50.240
9 - 5, otherwise, see ON4KST chat room (all times Pacific)
Spotting: Please spot me on ON4KST, on the PNWVHFS email reflector, and on your favorite services.
I won't have internet access in DN08.
Logging: I'm not a rover - do not use /R.
QSL: Paper QSL is preferred. Be sure to include both your and my grid square.
LotW is okay but it'll be several weeks. Be patient - paper QSL will get my quickest reply.
Location: Somewhere in DN08.
Rod WE7X and I will scout a DN08 location on June 7-8.
Use in real time to see if I'm driving or where I'm parked.

Results EN02


Springview Herald Article


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