Rover Location Database

K7BWH: Southern Idaho, June 2018
DN22-DN43 Expedition

I traveled solo eastward on Monday, June 11 through Thursday June 14, 2018 looking for mountaintops through southern Idaho with stops in DN22-23, DN32-33, and DN42-43.

This is a cross-country expedition in three parts:

  1. DN08 Expedition, ARRL VHF Contest, June 9-10 (link)
  2. Southern Idaho, DN22-23, DN32-33, and DN42-43, June 12-14 (link)
  3. Coast-to-coast grid trip, Idaho to North Carolina (link)

Planned Idaho Route

This is a tentative route for scouting through DN22-23, DN32-33 and DN42-43. Once a viable site is found in each grid, I'll setup the 6m station.

Route through southern Idaho

Actual Idaho Route

The actual route taken through DN22 - DN43 as recorded by my Garmin Nuvi GPS:


DN22 - DN43 Expedition

Dates: June 12-14
Bands: 6m only
Frequency:  50.125 SSB (standard watering holes)
50.260 MSK144
50.313 FT8
Locations: DN23, DN22 - June 12
DN32, DN33 - June 13
DN43, DN42 - June 14
I hope to activate 2 grids/day with the full station setup.
Scouting as I go, then about 2 hours on the air at each grid square.
Settings: WSJT setup outside of contests:
  • File > Settings > General: Enable VHF/UHF/Microwave features.
  • Disable NA VHF Contest. This is most common usage.
  • Disable Tx even/1st. I'm always first sequence in all directions.
  • Disable DXpedition Mode.
Equipment: In motion: Icom 7100 with 100 watts and horizontal loop
Mountaintop: Icom 9100 with 500 watts and 5-element yagi
APRS: Follow me in real time to track my position.



People Requesting a Schedule

Here's who want grids in southern Idaho and beyond:

  • Jim K7ND - DN16
  • Hal N7NW - EN02, EN30, EM48, EM59, EM61, EM67, EM68, EM86, EM87
  • Bob N7QOZ - DN04, DN05, DN14, DN16, DN22, DN33
  • Al K8SIX - DN23, DN42
  • Mel KD7DCI - DN04, DN53, DN63, DN64, DN85, DN86, DN90, DN92, EM78, EM87, EN01, EN02
  • Ira K4YMQ - DN04, DN23, DN43
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