Rover Location Database

Grid Square DN25

5 locations - Mt Baldy - Sula Peak - Woods Creek Pass - Hell's Half Acre - Bare Cone Lookout

Potential VHF rover sites in Idaho and Montana grid DN25. Be careful.
DN25 dimensions are 96.9 by 69.2 miles.
Explore this grid in Google Earth or equivalent:
Hover mouse over a map marker for more about the grid and site.

Mt Baldy, DN25xd84

Latitude, Longitude
45.143596, -114.009856
Map Location Near city of Salmon, Lemhi County, ID, Altitude 9200
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2022-07-16
Comments by: Barry K7BWH

Mt Baldy 1 Mt Baldy 2 Mt Baldy 3 Mt Baldy 4 Mt Baldy 5 Mt Baldy 6 Mt Baldy 7 Mt Baldy 8 Mt Baldy 9 Mt Baldy 10 Mt Baldy 11 Mt Baldy 12

Mt Baldy is a very high and exposed peak west of Salmon, ID. If you can get away from all the radio towers at the top, this site works really well on VHF.

Driving directions:

Call the ranger station for road conditions. Take Ridge Road to the top, which approaches from the north side. This road is maintained but snow drifts may remain longer.

I strongly recommend against Road 026 on the west side even though it might be clear of snow earlier. It is an unmaintained Jeep trail. Don't take Road 026 unless you have a highly capable 4x4 with lockers and ground clearance and tree-removal tools. It took me over 3 hours to go ten miles on this route, which is basically made of sharp rocks the entire route.

Restrictions: Snow can remain through the end of June or later.
Be prepared for altitude sickness.

Sula Peak, DN25xu96

Latitude, Longitude
45.859828, -114.000100
Map Location Near city of Darby, Ravalli County, ID, Altitude 6500
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2022-07-16
Comments by: Barry K7BWH

Sula Peak 1 Sula Peak 2 Sula Peak 3 Sula Peak 4 Sula Peak 5

Sula Peak is exactly on DN25-DN35 grid line, a relatively short climb up unpaved roads to a high point off Hwy 93. There is a cellphone tower and a cattle-feeding station. About 35 minutes driving time from Darby.

However, there is no level area to sleep, there are people around in the summer because the lookout is staffed, and it's a small knob that can be crowded. You can't park on the grid line, so if your antenna is attached to your vehicle (like mine) then you're out of luck.

Woods Creek Pass, DN25sm77

Latitude, Longitude
45.532308, -114.438282
Map Location Near city of Shoup, Ravalli County, ID, Altitude 7000
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2020-11-22
Comments by: Barry K7BWH

Woods Creek Pass is on the ridge line of the MT-ID border. This is a good launching point to explore NG-044 in both directions for good operating spots on the ridges.

Hell's Half Acre, DN25qp44

Latitude, Longitude
45.645595, -114.628557
Map Location Near city of Darby, Idaho County, ID, Altitude 8200
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2020-02-21
Comments by: Barry K7BWH

Driving directions: Approach from the east side, i.e. using Hwy 12 from Missoula or Salmon.

Restrictions: Typically snowed in until June.

Bare Cone Lookout, DN25tr02

Latitude, Longitude
45.719174, -114.412236
Map Location Near city of Sula, Ravalli County, MT, Altitude 8000
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2020-01-21
Comments by: Barry K7BWH

Driving directions: Approach from the east side, i.e. using Hwy 12 from Missoula or Salmon.

Restrictions: Typically snowed in until June.

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