Rover Location Database

Grid Field CO

6 locations - South Campbell River - Kelsey Bay Log Sort - Keta Lake - Newcastle Ridge - Ocean Mains - Hurley River

Potential VHF rover sites in grid CO. Be careful.
CO dimensions are 623.5 by 1623.5 miles.
Hover mouse over a map marker for more about the grid and site.

South Campbell River, CO70ja22

Latitude, Longitude
50.011233, -125.233184
Map Location Near city of Campbell River, County, BC, Altitude 10
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2003-10-05
Comments by: Mike K7MDL

South Campbell River waterfront is beach location near the grid line with a good view to Puget Sound.

There is a sign along the coast highway spur (19A) through town that marks the 50 degree parallel. Strathcona Gardens is a nearby map landmark. Discovery Pier is another nearby landmark on the maps.

There are several good stops at the waters edge just to the north (CO70) and south (CN79) with a very good view SE to Puget Sound. On the North side of the line in CO70 is a boat launch and restaurant with open gravel parking lot adjacent to the beach. K7MDL operated from this location in the 2003 September VHF contest.

Kelsey Bay Log Sort, CO70aj44

Latitude, Longitude
50.394493, -125.960034
Map Location Near city of Kelsey Bay, County, BC, Altitude 10
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2003-10-05
Comments by: Mike K7MDL

Kelsey Bay Log Sort offers some gravel parking lots at waters edge. No contacts made on my trip but historically this has been a decent location. In 2003, one ham with VHF SSB/CW (VE7BZY) lives in Sayward in CO70. Hills block SE path but contacts have been made here. Easy access not far from Sayward.

Keta Lake, CO60xh97

Latitude, Longitude
50.323777, -126.004224
Map Location Near city of Sayward, County, BC, Altitude 700
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2002-04-11
Comments by: Gabor VE7DXG

Keta Lake Rest Area and its north slope has easy access just off Highway 19.

Driving directions:

About 10km North of the Sayward turnoff towards Port McNeil. The road climbs, and after it flattens out, there is a major logging road intersection. Turn right and drive about 2 km. Road is somewhat cross-ditched, but 2 wheel drive will do it. There are 3 or 4 roads climbing the mountain side, they all seem to work. Pull over anywhere. There is a mountain across the valley to the South, but I worked into CN87 on up to 432 from here.

Newcastle Ridge, CO60xj36

Latitude, Longitude
50.403600, -126.056530
Map Location Near city of Sayward, County, BC, Altitude 4200
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2003-10-05
Comments by: Mike K7MDL

This is a premier RF site but access is difficult. Newcastle has 2 microwave towers and the 146.700 repeater.

Driving directions:

You need 4WD to get to this one. The weather is VERY nasty up there.

You should plan on 2 hours from Sayward up the hill until the road is improved, and you should drive it in daytime only.

The site is marked on most local maps. Take the Island Highway from Campbell River and follow the signs to Sayward. Just before town turn left at the local Legion and follow Adam Main. It is about 10 km to the top.

The first 6 miles was overgrown in 2003 and hazardous to rooftop antennas. My average speed was 3 mph through this section. There were several culvert washouts. The last 4 miles more open, but there are a few washouts, and the eroded loose large rock road requires ground clearance and 4WD, particularly in the last few hundred feet to the top.

In 2003, new logging operations were being planned which might result in road improvements in 2004. The first steep section of road follows power lines and you must cross several deep cross ditches where culverts were removed when the logging roads were deactivated.

Take the first major left away from the power lines to the repeater site part way up. If you have to cross close spaced really deep ditches, then you missed the turn. The turn around is on the other side of these ditches.

Key GPS points (and turns) on the route to the top are N50' 21.759" W126' 08.555" (Start of road), N50' 22.146" W126' 08.261" (probably the turn off from the power lines) and N50' 22.238" W126' 02.747".

Ocean Mains, CO50uo65

Latitude, Longitude
50.605700, -128.281750
Map Location Near city of San Josef Bay, County, BC, Altitude 60
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2003-10-06
Comments by: Mike K7MDL

Ocean Main (logging road) was selected since it was on a low hillside, had been clear cut some years back, and accessible. This road is the means to get to Raft Cove Provincial Park. Also in CO50, Winter Harbor is a fishing vacation town to the south and may have possibilities.

Tall thin trees prevent an unobstructed view and the road end was becoming overgrown in 2003. For 2M this sight should work, but nothing was heard Friday night before the contest, including Tofino Coast Guard Radio. It is quite distant from civilization which may make conventional voice contact difficult. Digital modes may be worth a try as well as meteor scatter. Setting up a schedule with Alaska may be worth trying.

There are a small number of primitive campsites nearby with an outhouse all not far from water edge down the bluff.

Driving directions:
To get there, you have to travel an all-gravel logging road 2 hours from Port Hardy - it is about 50 miles each way.

Hurley River, CO80lo73

Latitude, Longitude
50.597820, -123.018830
Map Location Near city of Pemberton, County, BC, Altitude 4530
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2021-09-13
Comments by: Mark VE7AFZ

This site has promise at least on 50 Mhz towards the lower mainland and PNW and beyond. Will have try 144 Mhz and perhaps 222 on a subsequent visit.

Access was fairly easy to this large pull out beside a mainline BC logging road. The space is more than wide enough to accommodate both a ham radio setup and another vehicle using the pull out to handle two-way traffic.

It was a busy area with hunters, hikers, dirt bikers, bicyclists, 4x4ers, etc. There's a fire pit there which implies people have camped here.

There might be a few other spots within a Km or so to the South that might be as good or better, but site I parked in was vacant and seemed ok.

Restrictions: Bring tire chains. Mark VE7AFZ has encountered snow in September in prior years.

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