Rover Location Database

Grid Square CN94

4 locations - Long Butte - Round Butte - Pilot Butte - CN94-95 Grid Line

Potential VHF rover sites in Oregon grid CN94. Be careful.
CN94 dimensions are 98.6 by 69.2 miles.
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Long Butte, CN94ie61

44.173450, -121.277790
Map Location Near city of Bend, Deschutes County, OR, Altitude 3550
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2014-04-05
Comments by: Barry K7BWH

Long Butte 1 Long Butte 2 Long Butte 3 Long Butte 4 Long Butte 5 Long Butte 6

Long Butte is a convenient stop from Hwy 97 between Bend and Redmond. We had the best paths into Portland and Seattle from here, largely because it's closer to the metro centers than points further south.

The modest altitude made this spot more accessible and comfortable in winter weather than the mountain peaks in April 2014. At night there are wonderful views of Bend's city lights in the distance to the south.

There are several antenna structures. The large frame construction at the highest point has some dishes and several cellphone arrays; it didn't bother us on the air. The nearby small ham repeater had some interference on 2m but it was infrequent.

Driving directions: Best approach to Long Butte is along Limestone Ave. Other routes have poor or undeveloped roads. Although the area is fully developed for residential use, there is plenty of tree cover for a reasonably secluded spot to camp.

Round Butte, CN94jo16

44.610699, -121.238403
Map Location Near city of Madras, Jefferson County, OR, Altitude 3271
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2014-02-26
Comments by: Lynn N7CFO

Round Butte 1

An easy all pavement drive up with no RFI issues nearby and public access. There would be a good amount of traffic up there on a summer weekend, but plenty of places to park off the road and set up.

Driving directions:

From the south end of Madras, take SW J Street east - it will turn into SW Belmont Lane. For pavement all the way to the summit, turn left after 7.1 miles onto SW Mountainview Dr. Ignore signs after this for Round Butte Park - that's not the summit. After 1.5 miles the road will turn to the left - continue for 1.1 miles to turn left onto SW Round Butte Dr. Continue to the north 1.6 miles to the summit.

There's a unmarked and unnamed but shorter dirt/gravel road suitable for passenger vehicles that joins Belmont about 0.8 miles before Mountainview and connects to the narrow summit track.

Pilot Butte, CN94ib64

44.060561, -121.283247
Map Location Near city of Bend, Deschutes County, OR, Altitude 4155
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2014-04-03
Comments by: Lynn N7CFO

Pilot Butte 1 Pilot Butte 2 Pilot Butte 3

You will be able to see the butte as you come into town. Highway 97 goes between two high spots - the one on the east is Pilot Butte, and the one on the west is a residential area.

The best operating location to the north is the pull-off just opposite the bunker door (you will understand it when you see it). The top of the butte has a road going around the edge, with high ground in the center. The road is not all that wide, though there is room to pull off on the outer edge in several places.

Pilot Butte State Park is a thousand-foot bare cone within the city of Bend, Oregon. It offers great views and propagation in all directions, with low take-off angles and no obstructions.

The best operating location to the north is the pull-off just opposite the bunker door (you will understand it when you see it). The top of the butte has a road going around the edge, with high ground in the center. The road is not all that wide, though there is room to pull off on the outer edge in several places.

There is excellent exposure in all directions. This site is gated, but the gate is generally open, except in the winter.

Driving directions: Take Highway 97 to the middle of Bend. Go east on Highway 20.
- If you are southbound, look for the Safeway on the east side and turn just past it.
- Look for the "Pilot Butte" sign on the left.
- On the way, stop at the Pilot Butte Drive-In on the right for an extraordinary hamburger and an excellent chocolate malt.

Restrictions: Closed during the winter.

Expect a lot of traffic - vehicle and foot in the area. The road to the top is narrow, and there are a lot of hikers and runners on it.

CN94-95 Grid Line, CN94ox29

44.999900, -120.813700
Map Location Near city of Shaniko Jct, Wasco County, OR, Altitude 3600
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2014-04-05
Comments by: Lynn N7CFO

CN94-95 Grid Line 1 CN94-95 Grid Line 2

Take hwy 97 until you see the 45th parallel sign NE(?) of Shaniko Junction.

There is plenty of room to pull off the road. This is a good park and sleep location there is nothing around but buzzards and truckers.

Restrictions: Note that Hwy 97 does not run north and south here so watch the GPS for accuracy.

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