Rover Location Database

Grid Square DN04

9 locations - Bridge Creek - Spanish Peak - Elkhorn Summit - Baker Valley Overlook - Meadow Brook Summit - Dixie Butte - Fall Mountain - Ritter Butte - Table Rock Lookout

Potential VHF rover sites in Oregon grid DN04. Be careful.
DN04 dimensions are 98.6 by 69.2 miles.
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Bridge Creek, DN04lx99

Latitude, Longitude
44.999990, -119.004273
Map Location Near city of Ukiah, Umatilla County, OR, Altitude 3986
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2024-05-31
Comments by: Ed N7PHY

Spanish Peak, DN04cj67

Latitude, Longitude
44.407149, -119.775539
Map Location Near city of Antone, Wheeler County, OR, Altitude 6400
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2020-10-10
Comments by: Tim AL1VE

Spanish Peak 1

At 6400' and an unobstructed 360-degree summit and few trees, Spanish Peak is an excellent VHF site. 50 MHz conditions out to 300 miles seemed better than other places in DN04. Tim AL1VE could receive FT8 stations, throughout the contest period, westward from San Francisco to Seattle and across the north over to southern Idaho.

Road access was fairly easy, but portions were a bumpy and Tim certainly wouldn't advise trying the last five miles in wet conditions.

Elkhorn Summit, DN04vx03

Latitude, Longitude
44.974537, -118.249054
Map Location Near city of Baker City, Union County, OR, Altitude 7392
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2020-07-11
Comments by: Rex WR7X

Elkhorn Summit 1 Elkhorn Summit 2 Elkhorn Summit 3 Elkhorn Summit 4

At 7392', Elkhorn Summit along the Elkhorn Scenic Drive is the second-highest paved road in Oregon. There is a large wide spot for parking at the summit.

Propagation will mainly be north to south toward the west, although some easterly propagation is possible. Western Oregon and Western Washington can easily be worked from here.

The Scenic Drive is not maintained for winter travel past the Snow Park a mile down the road to the east. The Forest Service typically will not plow the route open until the 3rd or 4th week of June, so don't plan on operating the June VHF contest from here. A less ideal substitute is to operate from the Snow Park which is about 200' lower in elevation.

Cellphone coverage is minimal to non-existent.

Baker Valley Overlook, DN04wx34

Latitude, Longitude
44.975475, -118.138981
Map Location Near city of Powder, Baker County, OR, Altitude 5550
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2020-07-11
Comments by: Rex WR7X

Baker Valley Overlook 1 Baker Valley Overlook 2 Baker Valley Overlook 3

The Baker Valley Overlook is located along the popular Elkhorn Scenic Byway at 5550' northwest of Haines, Oregon. There is a campsite next to the overlook.

Main propagation will be from north to south toward the east. This can be a busy location, especially on summer weekends, with folks stopping to take in the view.

Cellphone coverage is excellent.

Meadow Brook Summit, DN04lw24

Latitude, Longitude
44.936826, -119.059310
Map Location Near city of Dale, Grant County, OR, Altitude 4800
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2015-03-04
Comments by: Barry K7BWH

Dixie Butte, DN04qn49

Latitude, Longitude
44.582778, -118.626944
Map Location Near city of John Day, Grant County, OR, Altitude 7580
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2013-10-15
Comments by: Lynn, Barry N7CFO, K7BWH

Dixie Butte 1 Dixie Butte 2 Dixie Butte 3 Dixie Butte 4 Dixie Butte 5 Dixie Butte 6 Dixie Butte 7 Dixie Butte 8 Dixie Butte 9 Dixie Butte 10

Summit is open with no trees to block the view. There are a couple of VHF repeaters on site.

Lookout cabin on top sits on the ground. It is staffed in the summer, but you might want to check ahead with the Forest Service, as the lookout might be occupied during your visit. We found the cabin shuttered and locked in October 2013.

Driving directions: Forest Service lookout 15 miles northeast of John Day, OR.
The road is very rocky, narrow and steep with few places pull out. Not for the feint hearted.
Allow 45 - 60 minutes to drive the four miles from the main highway to the top.

Fall Mountain, DN04lh40

Latitude, Longitude
44.293333, -119.042500
Map Location Near city of John Day, Grant County, OR, Altitude 5925
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2013-10-19
Comments by: Lynn N7CFO

Fall Mountain 1 Fall Mountain 2 Fall Mountain 3 Fall Mountain 4 Fall Mountain 5 Fall Mountain 6 Fall Mountain 7

Site has several communications facilities including an FM radio station. Lookout tower on top can be rented and has electricity. Drawback is the mountain does not prominently rise above the surrounding terrain and is somewhat shielded to the east by the Strawberry Mountains.

Driving directions: Forest Service lookout 9 miles SSW of John Day, OR.
It has a nice road to the top and easy access off Hwy 395.

Ritter Butte, DN04lu10

Latitude, Longitude
44.833633, -119.071583
Map Location Near city of Mt Vernon, Grant County, OR, Altitude 4200
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2013-10-19
Comments by: Lynn N7CFO

Ritter Butte 1 Ritter Butte 2 Ritter Butte 3 Ritter Butte 4

This is a fire watch tower that is approximately 3/4 mile west of hiway 395. It is in plain view of the hiway, so you can't really miss it. The dirt road going to the lookout is smooth and accessible to all vehicles. There is no access to the cab of the lookout, but there is good propagation in all directions.

This is an excellent hit and run location for a rover operation.

Driving directions: Forest Service lookout is approximately 35 miles north of Mt. Vernon on Highway 395.

Table Rock Lookout, DN04ui20

Latitude, Longitude
44.333620, -118.316390
Map Location Near city of Unity, Baker County, OR, Altitude 7815
Map See Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, Beam heading

Last update: 2003-01-05
Comments by: Lynn N7CFO

Table Rock Lookout 1 Table Rock Lookout 2

Lookout cabin on top sits on the ground. 12 miles southwest of Unity, OR.

It is staffed in the summer, so you might want to check ahead with the FS, the lookout on duty probably won't appreciate company for a whole weekend. There are a couple of VHF repeaters on site.

Driving directions: The road is not too bad - typical lookout road.
Nice parking area on top with no obstructions.

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